tang-IT ARM agents

ARM 4.0 agent for C/C++

ARM 4.0 is the new standard by The Open Group supporting the C/C++ programming language. Therefore we support the new official standard for C/C++. This includes:

ARM 4.0 agent for Java

ARM 4.0 for Java offers the services of ARM to the Java programming language allowing new and modern application server architectures to be measured and is also inter-operable with ARM 4.0 agents for C/C++. This includes:

  • full support for the ARM 4.0 Java API
  • support of out-of-band definitions introduced in ARM 3.0 for Java
  • inter-operability with our ARM 4.0 C/C++ implementation
  • all tools provided by tang-IT ARM

ARM 2.0 agent for C/C++

ARM 2.0 was the last known standard by The Open Group supporting the C/C++ programming language. ARM 4.0 for C/C++ has a completely different API. Therefore we provide an ARM 2.0 interface wrapper which internally uses the ARM 4.0 agent. With this extension you get:

  • support of all ARM 2.0 concepts ( correlators, metrics)
  • full ARM 4.0 integration of ARM 2.0 instrumented applications.
  • ARM 2.0 and ARM 4.0 transaction correlation
  • all tools provided by tang-IT ARM