tang-IT ARM availabilty


tang-IT ARM provides a collection of configurations and combinations ranging from a single ARM 4.0 (C or Java language binding) agent up to multi-language, cross-platform environments. Therefore tang-IT ARM is divided into several modules and platform combinations. See below the list of modules.

Supported platforms

  • Linux >= 2.4 (x86, PPC).
  • Solaris 8.0 (SPARC).
  • Windows NT/2000 (x86).

Supported languages/compilers

C/C++ Compilers (ARM 2.0 and ARM 4.0):
Any ANSI C Compiler.
Java (ARM 4.0):
Java2 1.3 RTE or later.

tang-IT ARM module configurations

Each base module configuration consists of one ARM agent plus MySQL and SQLite backends and command line analysis tools. Any additional module can be purchased separately. See our prices.

Agents modules platforms languages Type
ARM 4.0 Linux, Solaris, Windows C base1
ARM 4.0 Linux, Solaris, Windows Java base2
ARM 2.0 Linux, Solaris, Windows C legacy
Backend modules platforms languages Type
MySQL Linux, Solaris, Windows Java, C/C++ incl.
SQLite Linux, Solaris, Windows Java, C/C++ incl.
XML files Linux, Solaris, Windows Java, C/C++ backend1
Analysis modules Platforms Environment Type
Command line tools Linux, Solaris, Windows native binary incl.
CGI frontend Linux, Solaris, Windows Apache (Web server), native binary tool1